Light Line Social Square, Sydney Metro NorthWest

Cherrybrook station

TfNSW have officially recognised the Sydney Metro Project that we undertook with Studio TCS and HASSELL as a public Artwork.

Arguably Australia’s largest Public Artwork, conceived to work at a metropolitan scale, the artistic ideas have been built into the fabric of the 8 station buildings and public space.

Have a read through Transport for NSW – Light Line Social Square to find out more…

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Sydney Metro NorthWest station concept by McGregor Westlake Architecture


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